Argyll Archaeology is a small professional archaeology business based in the small Scottish town of Campbeltown in Argyll and run by Dr Clare Ellis. The business concentrates its fieldwork activities primarily on the west coast of Scotland and the Scottish islands. As a consequence of its locality it not only offers extremely competitive rates but also an excellent working relationship with the relevant planning authorities and their archaeological advisers as well as a wealth of invaluable local knowledge.

Argyll Archaeology is a small professional archaeology business based in the small Scottish town of Campbeltown in Argyll and run by Dr Clare Ellis. The business concentrates its fieldwork activities primarily on the west coast of Scotland and the Scottish islands. As a consequence of its locality it not only offers extremely competitive rates but also an excellent working relationship with the relevant planning authorities and their archaeological advisers as well as a wealth of invaluable local knowledge.


We provide a wide range of archaeological services that can be tailored to your specific requirements and budget while maintaining a high level of professionalism. Services include: planning guidance/advice, desk-based assessment, watching brief, field survey, evaluation, excavation, management of post-excavation programmes and publication. In addition, Argyll Archaeology specialises in micromorphological analysis of soils and sediments and provides advice regarding environmental sampling strategies.

Argyll Archaeology undertakes all its work according to the standards and guidelines set by the Institute of Field Archaeologists.

Argyll Archaeology undertakes all its work according to the standards and guidelines set by the Institute of Field Archaeologists.